Brambly Cottage Kalopsida 80cm Wide Manual Wing Chair Recliner Recliner Red 104cm H X 80cm W X 82cm D

£279,99   + £4,99   
Looking for a recliner that doesn't look like a recliner? Introducing this Lynnwood pushback manual recliner - this very clever pushback chair is just the ticket. Remarkably, the reclining function is invisible to the eye. Sit down and push back to reach the reclined position - the footrest will rise at the same time. After a quick nap, gently kick back to sit right up. So simple and yet so stunning in its design – this has become our fastest-selling chair of all time. Lynnwood's classic stylish pattern would blend in perfectly with a boutique hotel, as well as your living room. Brambly Cottage ...
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