The Secret Series 3 Books Collection Set by Rhonda Byrne - Non Fiction - Paperback/Hardback Simon & Schuster

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Titles In The Set: 1) How The Secret Changed My Life (Hardback) 2) The Greatest Secret (Hardback) 3) The Secret to Love, Health, and Money (Paperback) Description: How The Secret Changed My Life (Hardback) Since the very first publication of The Secret a decade ago, Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book has brought forth an explosion of real people sharing real stories of how their lives have miraculously changed for the better. How The Secret Changed My Life presents a selection of the most heartwarming and moving stories in one inspirational volume. Each story provides an authentic, real-life illustration of the pathway that leads to success in every area of life: money, health, relationships, love, family and career. The people in How The Secret Changed My Life show time and again that no one is excluded from living the life of their dreams. The Greatest Secret (Hardback) The book reflects Rhonda s own journey, and shares the most direct way out for those experiencing hardship and the path to end pain and suffering endured by so many, and shines a light on a future without anxiety or fear. Filled with accessible practices that can be immediately put to use and profound revelations that take the reader on an incomparable journey, Rhonda s discovery is reinforced throughout by the revelatory words of sages from around the world, past and present. The Secret showed you how to create anything you want to be, do, or have. Nothing has changed it is as true today as it ever was. This book reveals the greatest discovery a human being can ever make, and shows you the way out of negativity, problems, and what you don t want, to a life of permanent happiness and bliss. From The Greatest Secret. The Secret to Love, Health, and Money (Paperback) In THE SECRET TO LOVE, HEALTH AND MONEY, Rhonda Byrne presents many inspiring examples of real-life cases from people who have used The Secret to achieve personal happiness, wellbeing and success. Subjects covered in Part I include the power of positive thoughts and feelings, gratitude in relationships, imagining the perfect partner, and the creative process for attracting new and better relationships. ...
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