Dick King-Smith The 10 Books Centenary Box Set - Ages 7-11 - Paperback Sweet Cherry Publishing

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Titles In This Set : 1. Pigs Might Fly 2. Paddy's Pot of Gold 3. Julius Caesar's Goat 4. Dodos are Forever 5. Dragon Boy 6. Find the White Horse 7. Friends and Brothers 8. Tumbleweed 9. Warlock Watson 10. What Sadie Saw Description : Pigs Might Fly Poor Daggie Dogfoot! He’s much smaller than his brothers and sisters, with feet more like a dog’s than a pig’s. The very day that Daggie is born, the pigman whisks him off to the shed for a merciful death. When Daggie miraculously escapes, he returns to the safety of the sties and the protection of his mother, who begins to think that Daggie isn’t just different but special. Special for a purpose. And when Daggie befriends a duck called Felicity, he begins to understand what that purpose might be … Paddy's Pot of Gold Brigid lives in Ireland, she’s an only child, and she just so happens to have a hole in one boot on her birthday. Surprise! These are the exact four things needed to see a leprechaun. Meet Patrick Victorious Wellington Right-Handed O’Reilly – but you can call him Paddy. Everyone knows that leprechauns have a pot of gold buried somewhere, but Paddy insists that a single shilling is all he has in the world. Is he telling the truth? Or are leprechauns as stingy as Brigid’s parents say? Julius Caesar's Goat Great Caesar’s goat! What’s that smell? Oh wait, it’s … Julius Caesar’s goat. Butter stinks so bad that armies flee at the merest whiff of him. No one understands how Caesar can bear to be near this pungent pet, let alone cuddling up with Queen Cleopatra. She might be beautiful, but she uses Siberian wolfs’ wee for perfume and rancid donkey milk for bathwater! No one knows that Caesar lost his sense of smell as a boy. And they’re certainly not going to risk telling him that his goat and his girlfriend stink! Dodos are Forever The year is AD 1650, and dodos Bertie and Beatrice are living peacefully on an island in the Indian Ocean. Peacefully, that is, until sailors arrive and discover that dodo tastes a lot like chicken. With the sailors come a host of hungry rats. They like nothing more than dodo eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and Bertie and Beatrice are about to start a family. Sir Francis Drake, the captain’s parrot, warns the lovebirds that if they’re not careful, their species could become extinct. But what’s a dodo to do-do? Dragon Boy Montagu Bunsen-Burner is on a diet. Concerned for his dragon digestion, his wife Albertina has taken humans off the menu. So when Montagu meets an orphaned boy in Sherwood Forest, he doesn’t barbecue him. He adopts him. Little John proves useful with his knowledge of herbs and cooking, but his cleverness in finally hatching one of Albertina’s eggs is what truly secures his place in the family. With his wolf Bart beside him, John bravely faces danger from animals, outlaws and fire. And as he grows, so does the legend of the dragon boy. Find the White Horse What do two dogs, a cat and a pigeon have in common? They’re all looking for a white... ...
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