Ariete Mini 1200W Fast Cooking Pizza Oven With Non-Stick Refractory Stone, Red Red

£88,50   + £4,99   
Enjoy making your favorite homemade meat or veggie pizza in the comfort of your own kitchen with the Ariete Mini Fast Cooking Pizza Oven. Equipped with a high-quality refractory stone plate that measures 32 centimeters in diameter, you're able to cook or heat up your pizza at 5 cooking levels up to a maximum temperature of 400 degrees Celcius. The refractory stone is designed with a transparent non-stick treatment that makes the clean-up process simple, as residues and oils are not absorbed by the stone itself. Fast cooking at high temperatures allows you to replicate the same method of wood-fired ovens, and in just 4 minutes, you get a perfect cooking for homemade pizza and 2 minutes for frozen pizzas. Simply remove the pizza from the hot oven to the plate with the 2 included wooden pallets. Cook more than just pizza in this multi-use oven. You can reheat croissants for breakfast or chicken and potatoes for lunch. Appreciate your favorite meals quickly and easily with the Ariete Mini Pizza Oven. Ariete ...
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